We craft exclusively from either 14k Solid Gold, 14k Gold Filled or .925 Sterling Silver.

This means that anyone can wear our pieces, including those with sensitive skin.



If a piece of jewellery is gold filled this means it has a layer of solid gold that has been pressure bonded to its core, this is not to be confused with electroplating (gold plating).

The layer of gold covering gold filled jewellery is legally required to be at least 5 microns thick, compared with 0.05 - 0.2 microns in the case of standard gold plating. This makes the amount of gold present in your gold filled piece up to 100x more than that in a gold plated piece meaning, with a little care, our gold filled pieces can maintain their shine for many years.

Avoid spraying perfumes and other alcohol or chemical-based substances directly onto your piece.

To ensure the longevity of your gold filled pieces, we recommend washing them occasionally to remove any built-up body oils letting your piece shine. Read more about cleaning your jewellery here.

If you do decide to take your piece off, store it somewhere secure where it won’t get scratched.

14k solid gold

Gold is the least reactive metal, meaning it will stand up to a lot.

14k Gold being stronger still, as it’s much less likely to scratch, and will hold its shape better than its 18 or 24k cousins. All of this said, there are steps you can take to make sure your Minimum gold remains pristine for life.

Avoiding direct contact with abrasive cleaners, chlorine, and alcohol-based perfumes will keep your gold shining.

The occasional clean with warm water and a soft cloth will remove any built up oils, letting your gold shine. Read more about cleaning your jewellery here.

Should you decide to take off your gold, store it somewhere secure where it won’t get scratched.

.925 Sterling silver

Sterling Silver jewellery will often be stamped .925, this refers to Sterling Silver containing at least 92.5% Silver. 

Our Sterling Silver pieces are solid, so will never wear away. Using Sterling Silver allows for the piece to be durable, high-shine, and wearable every day.

Avoid spraying perfumes and other alcohol or chemical-based substances directly onto your piece. Your body oils will actually help to keep Sterling Silver shining, so wear often. 

The occasional clean and polish with a soft, dry cloth will ensure continued shine. Read more about cleaning your jewellery here.

If you do decide to take your piece off, store it somewhere that will keep oxygen at bay.